About Our Events


Simply Christ

Simply Christ is our biggest event of the year telling the story of our Savor’s birth through a live Nativity walk through and sharing the Hope that Jesus provides through faith in Him. Lots of volunteers help make this free community event possible for 1,000s of people that step foot on the Farm to hear the True meaning of Christmas. Lots of crafts, cookies, hot chocolate, Christmas  caroling, animals and more make this a wonderful event to spread Christmas cheer or to bring your neighbor along to start a conversation with them about Jesus!

Hello Events

Hello Events are designed to be topical teaching events for women of all ages to encourage them in their faith. There is a time of fellowship, a seasonal activity or ice breaker, worship, teaching time, & lots of coffee and sweets! With each topic, we take a look at how the Gospel enlightens how we should view it and respond in obedience to God’s Word.

Greater Than

Greater Than is our Teen retreat to encourage students in their faith and identity in Christ. The focus is on magnifying God and recognizing He is greater than anything and we can depend on Him. This one day retreat is coed, but has separate teaching times for boys and girls to help them dive into topics and discussions pertaining to them. There is worship, games, crafts, food, worship and MUD! Whether it is our mud run or mud games and obstacles, we provide some way to get dirty and have fun! Our hope is that your teens leave refreshed and encouraged in their pursuit of Christ and obedience to Him.

Tea Parties

Tea Parties are for little girls ages 3-12, filled with stories, crafts, songs, and snacks and of course, princess tea, too! Princess Grace will help us learn about being God’s little princess through little lessons and interactive songs.


Chicks & Hens

Chicks and Hens ladies craft nights are designed for women to let their creative juices flow and come to the farm for a relaxing evening with friends. We provide examples and demonstrations if needed, but also allow for lots of variety for you to make your own ideas come to life.


Ladies Inductive Bible Study

We are Protestant-Baptist Christians, that believes the Bible is inspired by God and is fully inerrant. We value reading the Bible in its entirety, but also studying verse, by verse - chapter by chapter to get a deeper understanding of the truths God has given in all of scripture by taking the time to study the passage in context and seeing how it shed light on the Gospel.

When we start a new book of the Bible, we encourage you to read through the whole book to get a big overview, then take time to look up the background in a study Bible or online: asking who, what, when, where, why questions about the book.

We take one chapter to study on our own throughout the week, going through three steps:

1. observation - What does it say? See what’s in the text without trying to insert meaning. Take note of repetition, question you have, look up definitions, find attributes of God, read through different bible translations etc.

2. Interpretation - What does it mean? Find cross references to let the Bible explain the Bible, rather than assuming meaning by what you think.

3. Application - How should it change me?Prayerfully reflect how understanding the truths in this passage should change you to be more like Jesus Christ.

It is the most fruitful when you take these three steps in your own personal study prior to group so you come prepared to discuss what the Lord taught you based off the chapter studied.

Table Gatherings

The Table is an event for women to be gathered around the table to share a meal and be encouraged and inspired by real life stories of women getting out dangerous circumstances. These testimonies share hope about how God used it to uncover His plan and purposes for their lives. We try to partner with local ministries as well and inform our guests about ways to get involved or support them in prayer.